Monday, January 4, 2010

Our 1st Day of Homeschooling...ever!

Okay so today was our 1st day of Homeschooling..ever!!

*(Click on any pictures to see bigger)

I had been anticipating this day for a couple of months now. I have been busy researching, reading up, talking to other HS moms, and scouring the Internet for ideas, information and help. So by the time today arrived I felt as prepared as possible for going into the great "unknown".

One of the great tools I came across while researching on the Internet was this awesome organizational system by this lady named Sue Patrick. She created something called the "workbox system". Briefly, you get workboxes for each kid, up to 12 each (we're starting out using 9 each). Anyway, you lay their whole day out in these workboxes and something called schedule strips that co-ordinate with the workboxes. So the kids start with their workbox labeled 1 (it has their 1st subject or project in it, and any and every thing they may need..i.e. a pencil, scissors, glue, etc.). Then they go onto workbox 2 and so on. The system is supposed to help foster independence, they can go get their next subject when they're done with the previous one. As well as providing them some structure and letting them know exactly how much they have left, thus eliminating the question every 5 minutes of "how much do we have left". Its all laid out for them, they know exactly whats left.

Here are the boxes empty before I filled them, you can see the numbers on the outside. (Each kid has 3 to a shelf).

Here they are full, ready for the kids!

After getting the workbox system in place I felt really good that I had a handle on things and was ready for our first day. At lease I would look like I knew what I was doing..haha.

So first thing after the kids woke up and had breakfast they had to report to their chore chart.

After they finished a chore they would take it off the ribbon and put it in the envelope.

Then after all the chores were complete (which I have to say the RACED through...I don't know if it was the excitement of the 1st day, or if it was the satisfaction of getting to take off a pic and put it in the envelope, or both, but they got them done in record time!) it was time for them to "check in" to school.

They really liked this part.

Now onto school...

They each grabbed their "schedule strips" and reported to the dining room table.

Here are my little cuties all ready to start!

*Note that they each had their water bottles with them...part of the fun of homeschooling. :)

So we started by blessing ourselves with Holy Water (meant to include a picture..sorry), Lord knows I'm going to need all the help I can with the task He put me up to, so I figure I need the blessing and so do they! :) Then we do our morning prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance (I need a flag). I was very impressed, both of them knew the words by heart...great one less thing for me to worry about! ;)

Then we did calendar, days of the week, and the Saint of the Day. Interestingly enough the Saint today was Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton who founded Catholic education in America and who our curriculum is named after, Seton. Just another little confirmation that this is right where we are meant to be.

After our group time it is on to the workboxes and school work.

We're off to a great start!

After a couple of subjects they were ready for snack.

Then back to the ole grindstone.

PE today was jump was great for about 5 minutes, but then they all complained that it was too cold.

Even Katie got into the mix. :)

Back to finish up the work.

Finally a nice group activity that even Katie got to do!

Over all our 1st day went really really well. I found out that 4 year olds don't have the same attention spans for working that "almost 7" year olds have. And I also realized that "almost 7" year olds are very concerned with why the 4 year old is not doing as much as him. I have some tweaking and adjusting to do for sure, but so far couldn't be happier with how our 1st day went!!


Melissa said...

Sign up to "follow the blog". :)

Anna Michell-o said...

WOW! You impress me, girl! That box system looks great. I'll have to keep watching you. I've got 2 boys who want to be homeschooled again next year and the ones at home do not want to go to school. IF we had the space these would be great. I'll have to think of ways to tweak it to fit our tiny house.
I'm so proud of you and happy . Yes, when God wants you to do something for Him, He moves mountains and makes things obvious,doesn't He??
Love you-Anne
PS. Had to laugh that it was 'cold' for jumping rope. It's 'cold' everywhere, i think. I went running in a balmy 28 degrees today which is about 10 degrees warmer than my previous few runs.

Sarah said...

Melissa!!! It looks like you had a fantastic first day!! You make me so excited to start homeschooling!! Granted, I've got a year or so, but I'm going to break out my daily calendar from teaching and start with that with Tize. And I LOVE the chore idea!! I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to steal that too!! =) God Bless you all on the new journey you are embarking on!!! I know it will be great!!

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