Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2nd Day of School

Alright, so the second day was a lot harder than the first. I had anticipated these first few months being the toughest, with all the adjusting all parties involved would have to do, and sure enough the tough days kicked in right away!

We started off pretty good.

Here's Jackson with his math book and some poker chips to make it counting more fun. (The red ones are supposed to be "tens" and the white are "ones".)

Charlie wanted some too....but mostly for "building with". :)

So we started off good, but after that everything seemed like such a chore for them. It was like pulling teeth to get them to keep moving. I even had "typing" planned as fun activity for Jackson after one of his more difficult subjects (English) to try to entice him to hurry along. It didn't work, but unfortunately threats of "sassy sauce" did the trick. I have been really wanting to make school fun and don't want to be on them or yell or fuss, I don't want them to have a bad taste for it. But at the same time the need to learn that just because we're home it doesn't mean we're not going to work. Like I said we have a lot of adjusting to do. (ALL of us.)

We did eventually make it to typing.

I found this neat electric typewriter on Craigslist for $15!!! I was so excited. Here we're working on Jackson learning the home keys. I have a print out of a keyboard and a picture of two hands and where they should go on the board in front of him. Then Jackson puts his hands on the home keys and I hold a paper over his hands so he can't see them or the keys and I'll tell him which home key to press. If he needs help he just looks at the board in front of him, not his hands, and this should train him to not need to look at the computer. I have to say we both really enjoyed this, and had much needed fun together. :)

We finished a few more school subjects, then Jackson's last box was a logic puzzle, that was fun and it helped us end they day well. (I have to admit between the pictures of the typing and the logic puzzles, there were some more unpleasant "conversations"-if that's what you want to call them. But we made it!

So day 2 was hard, at times I was tempted to call his school and ask for his spot back....but I know that's just a part of it. And I didn't make this decision because I thought it would be easy, I did it because I love my kids and want to give them my best, even if that means giving them my all...and by my all I mean ALL my patience!!
I just pray that Day 3 goes smoother, and if it doesn't then I pray God gives me the strength to get through it. :)


Anna Michell-o said...

Honeymoon phase is over after just ONE day?? HAHA!! I'm teasing-you're doing great, Melissa. This is NOT easy. Just getting them into a routine of school at home has got to be hard. Keep at it.
We have the typing program, for the computer, Mavis Beacon. The older kids used that to learn to type. It tests them and tells them how many words per minute,etc. It's got hands on it,too, like your model. Just a thought for the future.
God bless you all!!
Anne(how did Anna's name get on here???)

Angie said...

daaang i need to practice on that type writer when jacksons done with it. i only type with 2 fingers.

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